Excel spreadsheets
Cooling tower: Spreadsheet for process sizing and performance verification of a forced-draft cooling tower. More details in this article.
VL-separator0.9: Calculation sheet (still in a preliminary phase), that allows the preliminary sizing of a vertical liquid/vapour separator, with or without demister. More information in this article.
Thermal power dispersed by a pipe: Excel spreadsheet for heat loss estimation in an insulated pipe. More information in this article.
Thermal power dispersed from a tank: Excel spreadsheet for heat loss estimation from a tank. More information in this article.
Centrifugal pump: Small spreadsheet in Excel for the process sizing of a centrifugal pump. Useful for quick sizing a pump in the basic / FEED phase or for quick checks on existing pumps. The data needed for the calculation must be entered in the light yellow cells, while the calculation results are indicated in blue cells.
Orifice: This spreadsheet allows the sizing of a concentric orifice. More information in this article. Updated 25/04/2022.
Spray tower: This spreadsheet allows the sizing of a spray tower scrubber. More details in this article. Guide: Italian – English.
PSV-Fire case. This spreasheet can be used for a preliminary determination of the relief load and the subsequent discharge area of a PSV for a fire case scenario.
Visual basic executables and modules
UnitConverter (installer / portable): Units of measure conversion tool made in VB.NET. Details in this article.
CaricaCoolprop. Visual Basic module for easy import of CoolProp library in Visual Basic. More information in this article.
StackCalc (installer / portable): software for the preliminary calculation of the stack effect and the estimation of the dispersion of specified pollutants using a Gaussian model (requires NET 8.0).
Manual for the sizing of control valves: downloadable here. More information in this article.